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Tips for being a decent marksman

  1. Go to bot lane. DON'T GO MID ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE A MAGE. Get the red buff AFTER the first wave if the enemy doesn't invade so you don't lose out on gold. ONLY GO MID IF YOU'RE A HYPERCARRY.
  2. Be extremely efficient with your farm. Clear out the jungle AFTER clearing out your lane. If mid is empty and you just cleared your lane then take mid creeps.
  3. DON'T DIE. Seriously. If you have a competent tank with you then you have no excuses for dying. Look at the map and try to predict ganks. If they gank you 4v2 then just run and leave your tank. Go to an empty lane and farm there.
  4. Minimize recalls. If you're low on health, farm jungle creeps. They give you gold and health. Only recall if you absolutely have to (i.e. when splitpushing).
  5. If your team is being dominated, tell your tank to leave you and STAY AWAY from your team. FARM AND SPLIT PUSH. Don't fight a losing battle and just get your items before you fight. Also, pushing wins games, not kills. Aim to be at least equal in farm to the enemy marksman.
  6. DON'T INITIATE FIGHTS. Let the tank do it and STAY BEHIND in fights. You are ranged, make use of it and pew pew at a SAFE distance. Only initiate fights if you are way ahead in farm and exp.
  7. Don't be idle. Try to be hitting something all the time. Wasted time is less gold and less gold is delayed items which could win you the game.
  8. Know when to fight. An enemy is out of position? Fight. Your team outnumbers the enemy? Fight. Enemy team is destroying your team? Don't fight and split push. Know who you can fight alone. Know who can burst you in a blink of an eye and avoid it at all costs.
  9. Farm farm farm. You live on gold. A marksman without items is a 0 damage marksman. You should aim to be the highest gold earned when compared to the whole enemy team.
  10. Assert your dominance. When you are already so ahead in gold and exp then stop farming and force fights. This allow you to snowball harder. Know the line between farming, fighting and pushing.

TL;DR: If you can't farm fast and have poor positioning then this role is NOT for you. Go find another role and don't look back.

-- Eutss