A late game hail-mary move: Gank their backline head onNovember 2, 2020 30s GAMEPLAY 0 Comments A late game hail-mary move: Gank their backline head on 00 PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEONovember 2, 2020 30s GAMEPLAY 0 CommentsFeaturing Khaleed 2 VIDEOS Khaleed Gameplay Mobile LegendsKhaleed Mobile Legends 0 The most satisfying backdoorApril 25, 2020 0 When one enemy caused a domino of deaths for their teamMay 28, 2020 0 Chained to DeathJune 1, 2020 0 At the brink of DeathNovember 29, 2020LEAVE YOUR COMMENT Cancel replyLogin with your Social IDYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ